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23 Jan 2020 - Pranay Yadav

Sixth Proof for the infinitude of primes by Erdős

Proof by contradiction

Strategy: Assume that the harmonic series of primes $\sum_{p\in \mathbb{P}}\frac{1}{p}$ converges. Use a bound on the sum to create 2 sets of numbers that can be obtained from the finitely many primes. Show that the cardinality of these 2 sets is less than the cardinality of the whole, indicating that a finite number of primes can not reach all possible numbers.


  1. Setting the stage: Constrain the number of integers obtained from finite primes into 2 sets
  2. Small primes: FTOA and the square-free numbers trick
  3. Large primes: Bounds for cardinality
  4. Conflict in cardinality

Setting the stage

If $\sum_{p\in \mathbb{P}}\frac{1}{p}$ converges, then the contribution of the tail of the sum tends to 0. Therefore, for some larger prime numbers, there exists a natural number $k$ such that:

\(\begin{equation} \tag{1} \sum_{i > k}\frac{1}{p_i}<\frac{1}{2} \end{equation}\) ​

Here, the index $k$ captures the distinction between large and small primes where:

Multiplying the inequality above by an arbitrary natural number $N$:

\[\begin{equation} \tag{2} \sum_{i > k}\frac{N}{p_i} < \frac{N}{2} \end{equation}\]

Using the notion of small and large primes, we can define the following sets:

\(\text{Let } S = \{1,2,3,\ldots,N\} \\ X = \{\text{elements in S which have only small primes as factors}\} \\ Y = \{\text{elements in S which have at least one large prime as a factor}\} \\\)

Since $X$ does not have any elements with a large prime as a factor, together $X$ and $Y$ span the entire set $S$, we have the following further properties:

\(X\cup Y=S\ \text{ and }\ X\cap Y= \phi \\ \begin{equation} \\ |X| +|Y| = |S| =N \\ \tag{3} \end{equation}\)

Small primes

Consider an element $x \in X$. Using the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, $x$ can be factorized as:

\(\begin{equation} \\ x = p_{1}^{a_1}p_{2}^{a_2}p_{3}^{a_3}\ldots p_{k}^{a_k} \\ \end{equation} \\\) ​

Equivalently, $x$ can also be factorized into a square-free part and a square. For example, $24=2^3 3^1 =2^2 6$. Thus,

\(\begin{equation} \\ x=r^2 (p_{1}^{a'_1}p_{2}^{a'_2}p_{3}^{a'_3}\ldots p_{k}^{a'_k}) \\ \end{equation} \\\) ​

where the exponent $a’_i$ of each $p_i$ can be either $0$ or $1$. All higher terms get absorbed in $r$, since:

The number $r^2$ can be at most as large as $x$ - if $x$ is a perfect square, while $x$ itself can be as large as $N$, giving the inequality:

\(\begin{equation} \\ r^2 \le x \le N \\ r \le \sqrt{N} \\ \text{taking only the integer part:}\\ r \le \lfloor \sqrt{N}\rfloor \\ \end{equation} \\\) ​

Since $a’_i$ can take two values, $0$ or $1$, for $k$ primes, there will be $k$ possible such exponents. Therefore the total number of combinations of such binary exponents are $2^k$. Thus, the total possible cardinality of $X$:

\(\begin{equation} \tag{4} \\ |X| \le 2^k \lfloor\sqrt N \rfloor \\ \end{equation}\)

Large primes

For a prime number $p_i$, the integer part of $\frac{N}{p_i}$ reflects the number of integers that are multiples of it. The cardinality of $Y$ can be then expressed as the inequality:

\(\begin{equation} \\ |Y| \le \lfloor \frac{N}{p_{k+1}}\rfloor + \lfloor \frac{N}{p_{k+2}}\rfloor + \ldots \\ |Y| \le \sum_{i>k}\ \lfloor \frac{N}{p_{i}}\rfloor \end{equation} \\\) ​

Since the floor function is always at least as small as the value passed into it:

\(\begin{equation} \\ |Y| \le \sum_{i>k}\ \lfloor \frac{N}{p_{i}}\rfloor \le \sum_{i>k}\ \frac{N}{p_{i}} \end{equation} \\\) ​

Using the inequality from equation $2$, we have:

\(\begin{equation} \tag{5} \\ |Y| < \frac{N}{2} \\ \end{equation}\)


A value for $N$ can be chosen such that $2^k \sqrt N \le \frac{N}{2}$. Solving provides one such value for $N = 2^{2k+2}$.

Substituting this in equations $4$ and $5$:

\(\begin{equation} \\ |X|+|Y| < 2^k \lfloor \sqrt(2^{2k+2}) \rfloor + \frac{2^{2k+2}}{2} \\ = 2^k 2^{k+1} + 2^{2k+1} = 2^{2k+1} + 2^{2k+1} = 2^{2k+2} \\ |X|+|Y| < 2^{2k+2} \\ \text{But, }|S| = N = 2^{2k+2}, \text{ and thus we have here:} \\ |X|+|Y| < |S| \\ \end{equation} \\\) ​

This is in conflict with the equality from $3$ and we have a contradiction. Having finitely many primes is not enough to generate all numbers.

Therefore, the harmonic series of primes diverges!