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28 Jan 2020 - Dr. Nithin Nagaraj

Lecture No. 1 Foundational ideas in mathematics, introduction to mathematical thinking

[Deadline: Jan. 28, 2020]

Instructions: Do not assume anything over and beyond what was defined in the class (unless explicitly asked in the assignment to do so or the theorem was stated but not proved in the class). Show your calculations in entirety. Justify all your answers with appropriate reasoning and arguments.

  1. Write a 500-1000 worded essay for each of the following articles: (a) You and Your Research by Richard W Hamming (b) The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics by Richard W Hamming It can be a summary, or a response, or an inspired article based on your own experience. But, it should relate to the article in some fashion.

  2. Prove the triangle inequality from first principles.