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29 Jan 2020 - Dr. Nithin Nagaraj

Proofs for the infinitude of Prime numbers

[Deadline –]

The 8 proofs are:

  1. Euclid’s proof
  2. Proof using log x (Pranay) - Fourth proof in “Proofs From the Book”
  3. Proof using Mersenne number (Aditi) - Third proof in “Proofs From the Book”
  4. Proof using Fermat numbers (Shweta) - Second proof in “Proofs From the Book”
  5. Euler’s proof (Gulshan) - Sixth proof in “Proofs From the Book”
  6. Topological proof (Abhishek) - Fifth proof in “Proofs From the Book”
  7. Counting argument proof (Rahul)
  8. Chaos theory proof (Hari)

Each student will present the allotted proof in class. The goal is to ensure that the explanation is easy to understand for the rest. Try to make the proof simple enough for everyone to understand.

Each proof will be scribed by the respective student.